Wales National Safeguarding Week 14th to 18th November 2016

Pauline Bird

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Safeguarding Week aims to deliver awareness-raising events for the general public and professionals to reinforce the messages around safeguarding. To raise awareness of the role of ‘everyone’ in safeguarding vulnerable adults at risk and to highlight available support and intervention in North Wakes.

There will be market stalls and information stands held in localities which will provide an opportunity for a range of agencies to provide information about their services and organisations to members of the public and professionals.

An Adult’s Safeguarding Conference is also planned for 17th November, centred on Adult Practice Reviews looking at the process, the roles,  responsibilities and the learning.

It is hoped the range of activities and events will increase knowledge about safeguarding issues and help impact positively on behaviours and attitude so that the welfare and safety of more adults at risk are promoted.

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