Reduction in Safeguarding Reports during Covid-19

Pauline Bird

All Safeguarding Boards across Wales have reported to Welsh Government a significant drop in the number of safeguarding reports that Local Authorities have received during this lock-down period.

The First Minister will also highlight this worrying trend in a speech this week. A number of potential reasons have been highlighted for this significant drop.

The North Wales Safeguarding Board are asking everyone within the region to look out for one another in order to help those who may be at risk of abuse and neglect. This is a message which applies at all times, but now more than ever, people at all ages need protection

The North Wales Safeguarding Board video “See Something / Say Something” message is particularly relevant at this current time. Please take this opportunity to view the video and share with all relevant colleagues and members of the public.


Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business

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