Caring Dads Awareness training for referrers

Caring Dads Awareness training for referrers

Organised by: Gorwel
Contact Person: Gorwel/Eventbrite
Phone: 01248 750903
Venue: Galeri, Caernarfon.

09:30 – 12:00

Course Aim – An introduction to the Caring Dads programme and to discuss appropriate service users to be referred.

Caring Dads is devoted to ensuring the safety and well being of children through working with fathers who have abused and neglect their children or expose them to abuse of their mothers. Caring Dads is a child centred programme.

The Caring Dads program focuses on:-

  • Helping men recognise attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours that support healthy and unhealthy father-child relationships.
  • Develop skills for interacting with children in healthy ways.
  • Appreciate the impact on children of controlling, intimidating, abusive and neglectful actions including witnessing domestic violence.

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